Bryans Internet and WWW blog
The internet is defined as "a global computer network providing a variety of information and communication facilities, consisting of interconnected networks using standardized communication protocols". Basically what that means is, it is a intertwined network providing about all or most of the information you could possible want. There is no sole inventor of the internet, it is more of a collaborative effort. There are two scientist credited with the invention of the internet but they really only invented two key components. The two men coined with these inventions are Vint Cerf and Bob Kahn. They invented what is known as Transmission control protocol or TCP and Internet protocol or IP in 1973. Internet protocol or IP is known more commonly as IP address. The reason the internet was created was because people had the common goal and desire to share and spread information quicker and more efficiently. The way we originally used the internet was as a government weapon in the cold war. We used the internet to try and formulate a chemical weapon we know today as the atomic bomb. It is vastly different how we use the internet today. We use the internet today as a tool to help enhance our experience in this world. It is not just used to create weapons and communicate war strategies. We use it much more as an everyday tool.
The world wide web is an "an information system on the internet which allows documents to be connected to other documents by hypertext links, enabling the user to search for information by moving from one document to another". The world wide web attaches documents from a website in order to create documents that are fluid and easy to navigate. Tim Berners-Lee created the world wide web in 1989. The world wide web or the www was originally created to "meet the demands for automated information-sharing between scientists in universities and institutes around the world". Since it is "world wide", information could be spread to different countries around the world in order to share and learn new information. The world wide web today allows people to share their work and thoughts through a variety of different ways, most commonly through social networking sites or websites.
The internet and the world wide web are not the same. However they do work together. It is possible to use the internet without using the world wide web but it is not possible to use the world wide web without the internet . One example of the internet being used without the world wide web is email, email does not require the world wide webs access and is often used through the internet. The internet and world wide web often get confused and are often mistaken for the same thing, however they are most definitely not the same. They both work in unison to make it easier to use both. For example you use the internet to go to a web browser where you use the world wide web to get to the website. We constantly use these two together but most people have no idea. The first ever website created was made on August sixth, 1991. It was created by Tim Berners-Lee and the website is still functional today. The first ever website -
History of the Internet - Wikipedia
Top 10 uses of the Internet - EDN
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