Photoshop HW 1

 Bryan Piccirillo

Neon Light Effect Photoshop Tutorial - YouTube

     In this video, it teaches you how to use photoshop in order to create a neon barrier around your photo. This is a cool effect because its as if the photo is being illuminated by a luminescent light source. This video also teaches you how to create a smoke effect which is very cool. This tutorial uses the crop tool to cut out any unwanted barriers of the photo. you then use the pen tool to create whatever shape you want the neon effect to be an then draw it on the photo. Create a new layer and click stroke path, select the brush tool. First add a color overlay. Bright colors work well. Select inter-glow effect and set the center to white. Now select outer glow and select the previous neon color. set the shadow color to the neon color. Add an ambient glow. Now if you want a larger neon effect, create a new layer and repeat the steps. 

How to Turn Photo to Cartoon Effect (with Caricature Style) - Photoshop Tutorial - YouTube

   In this video, it teaches you how to create a cartoon effect on a photo. This is a cool effect if you are looking to make your photo standout and look un-ordinary. First you have to import a photo you would like. Click object selection tool. Create a layer mask out of it, apply layer mask. Now Click the lasso tool and select the head. Put it on a new layer, make the body smaller and the head bigger. Select the head layer and go to the liquify filter. Use the forward warp tool to round off the edges of the head. Use the brush tool and select the head layer and make a mask for it. Paint over the neck are to blend it with the body. After that make a solid color layer below both layers. Now after that go to the liquify tool and make the eyes bigger, for the nose make the height and width 100, and for the mouth increase both upper and lower lips. And finally for the face shape, click -50,-10,-70, and 10. After that chose oil paint filter for the photo. Next go to gallery and under the artistic folder, choose, the poster edges filter.

Photoshop Tutorial - Photoshop Compositing Tutorial | Photo Manipulation - YouTube

       In this video the composing tutorial for photoshop. This teaches you how to add something for one photo and put it into another photo. This video doesn't use audio so its basically just following along to what he/she is doing in the video. This part of photoshop is very cool. I find it fascinating how you can add one photo to another and it look like one photo. Photoshop is super cool but it seems like it is so hard. I am happy we are learning to do stuff like this because I feel as though it is a very unique skill people would like to know. 


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